small business PPE

Small Business PPE Tax Credit

Small business owners take notice: a bill recently introduced in the U.S. House could provide you with a tax credit on your purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies. Specifically, this Small Business PPE Tax Credit Act would provide a credit up to $25,000 for independent contractors, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and others to offset the cost of PPE purchases.

It Is Gaining Support

In the June 24 letter from the American Dental Association (ADA) to the US Congress, ADA President Chad P. Gehani and Executive Director Kathleen T. O’Loughlin thanked the lawmakers for introducing HR 7216, the Small Business Personal Protective Equipment Tax Credit Act.

GreenPPE also strongly supports our lawmakers for introducing this much-needed PPE tax credit,  to offset the cost for purchasing personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission for our staff and our customers!

As a true effort across the party aisle, this PPE tax credit bill was introduced by Reps. John Joyce (R-PA), Troy Balderson (R-OH), Brenda L. Lawrence (D-MI), and Mike Quigley (D-IL). We’d ask you to contact your own house representative and let him or her know of your support of the bill H.R.7216 – Small Business PPE Tax Credit Act.

Regsiter for a GreenPPE buyer’s account for your business today!  You will find how much savings you can make with us on your PPE supplies. 

staged delivery

1. What Are Staged Deliveries? 

The method of intelligently planning for a sequence of in-time supply deliveries, meeting supply consumption needs while taking advantage of market conditions and timing to reduce the total supply cost. It typically involves breaking a single delivery shipment into multiple smaller shipments that arrive in different times to the destination. 

2. How Staged PPE Deliveries Saved Procurement Cost for a Business

Recently, GreenPPE implemented a staged PPE delivery schedule for a business service provider in the US.  Among the consumables, their staff uses 1,000 boxes of vinyl gloves each month.  The provider needed a 12-month supply of  12,000 boxes. 

At the time the provider engaged with PPE, they had two weeks’ glove supply. GreenPPE was able to source from a reputable supplier partner who was capable of fulfilling the provider’s demand with a short production lead time. GreenPPE negotiated down the price for the provider and could have arranged to have the entire shipment of 12,000 boxes to be shipped to their warehouse within 2 weeks.

2.1. Buyer’s Constraints

This procurement comes to GreenPPE with these hard constraints:

  • Must receive a minimum of 1,000 boxes before the end of 2nd week
  • Must supply at least 1,000 boxes in each week after

2.2. Single-Shipment Delivery

A straightforward single-shipment schedule could look like this:

PPE Shipment

Figure 1. Single-Shipment PPE Delivery Plan (click to view in full size)

 While meeting all hard demand constraints, this single-shipment delivery plain is quite costly in that 

  1. There are lower-priced offers from more suppliers if they can come later.
  2. Express shipping is always expensive than regular shipping.
  3. It creates an “overstock” situation in the provider’s warehouse when this shipment arrives

In addition, GreenPPE’s big-data demand-supply matching engine also predicts that the glove price is likely to go lower in the near future.  

2.3. Staged Multi-Shipment Delivery

By collecting and analyzing all the product, shipping, market intelligence, the GreenPPE system came up with STAGED PPE DELIVERY PLAN as follows:

staged PPE delivery

Figure 2. Staged Multi-Shipment PPE Delivery Plan (click to view in full size)

When compared with the single-shipment delivery plan in Figure 1,  our new staged deliver plan breaks the delivery of the total 12,000 boxes into three separate shipments (therefore STAGED):

  1. S1: The same express shipment as shown in Figure 1, except we only need to deliver 2,000 boxes. They will arrive within 2 weeks and supply enough gloves for the next 2 months. 
  2. S2: At the same time of scheduling the express shipment S1, our system also co-schedule a regular shipment for 5,000 boxes that will arrive during the 3rd month before the supply from the first shipment S1 runs out.
  3. S3: GreenPPE also secured a third shipment for the rest of 5,000 boxes with the lowest pricing by ordering this batch at a later date with a lower-cost shipping method. 

2.4. Supply Procurement Cost Reduction

As can be seen in Figure 2, our staged multi-shipping delivery plan meets all hard supply constraints while lowering the supply producer cost by 25% for the buyer.

It has to be noted that GreenPPE pricing is door-to-door all-inclusive, from supplier to the buyer.  On behalf of the buyer, we take care of product sourcing, quality examination, pricing negotiation, shipping & logistics, and final delivery. 

All supplies delivered by GreenPPE comes with unconditional quality assurance and guarantee, backed with a full refund. 

A side benefit for utilizing a staged in-time on-demand delivery plan: we also reduced the buyer’s warehouse storage cost. 

About GreenPPE

GreenPPE is a global PPE demand-supply matching platform and marketplace, where we pool buyers’ demands together and match them to the production and shipping schedules of our vetted suppliers. Our team qualifies our suppliers by all regulatory and production standards in each market we are in. We utilize the product, shipping, market intelligence to generate sustained purchase and shipping plans for our buyers, with lowered total procurement cost. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have helped health institutions, businesses large and small, government agencies at federal, state and local levels, as well as colleges and schools, to acquire quality PPE supplies at the lowest possible cost with on-time deliveries. 

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If you are a PPE supplier, request to join the GreenPPE supplier network.

If you are a retail customer, visit the GreenPPE online webstore.


Schools are reopening, amusement parks are welcoming back visitors, and outdoor dining is the new way to eat out. But despite the signs that life is returning back to normal, the coronavirus pandemic has gone nowhere. That’s why a group of researchers at Duke University created a mask test – a technique to analyze the effectiveness of various types of masks which have become a critical component in stopping the spread of the virus.

Altogether, researchers tested 14 commonly available masks or masks alternatives, one patch of mask material, and a professionally fit-tested N95 mask:

mask effectiveness


This mask test answers the big question:

Which masks are effective in protecting us from COVID-19 spread?

Here is the answer we have all been waiting for:

  • The most effective mask was the fitted N95.
  • Three-layer surgical masks and cotton masks also performed well.
  • Neck fleeces, also called gaiter masks and often used by runners, were the least effective. 
  • Folded bandanas and knitted masks also performed poorly and did not offer much protection.

best mask for covid-19 protection


When shopping masks and face coverings to protect yourself, your loved ones, your business from the COVID-19 spread during this pandemic, insist on only buying those that have been proven to work!

Shop at GreenPPE ( for the latest medical masks and other PPE supplies at the best price.


Read the full reporthere.

FDA has expanded its warning about hand sanitizers to avoid, with the list now topping 100.

[7/31/2020] FDA continues to find issues with certain hand sanitizer products. FDA test results show certain hand sanitizers have concerningly low levels of ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol, which are active ingredients in hand sanitizer products. The agency urges consumers not to use these subpotent products and has expanded its list to include subpotent hand sanitizers, in addition to hand sanitizers that are or may be contaminated with methanol

The agency continues to add certain hand sanitizers to import alert to stop these products from legally entering the U.S. market.

Follow FDA updates and check against the list of banner hand sanitizers here:

Here is a side-by-side quick comparison of US mask standards and EU’s counterpart.

General applications for ASTM-rated masks:

  • ASTM LEVEL 1: General public and healthcare where there is no or low liquid splash present.
  • ASTM LEVEL 2: Healthcare where there is medium level of liquid splash present.
  • ASTM LEVEL 3: Healthcare & surgical where there is a high level of liquid splash present. 

An Important tip for the general public:  use ASTM Level 1 masks when you can buy, instead of non-medical masks for better protection

The American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living, which represents more than 14,000 nursing homes and assisted living facilities, recently sent a letter to the National Governors Association (NGA) warning states of imminent outbreaks at nursing homes and assisted living facilities given the major spikes in new cases in several states across the U.S., combined with serious PPE shortages and significant delays (up to five days or more) in getting testing results for long term care residents and caregivers.


AHCA/NCAL – please contact us for PPE supply relief. 

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