Schools are reopening, amusement parks are welcoming back visitors, and outdoor dining is the new way to eat out. But despite the signs that life is returning back to normal, the coronavirus pandemic has gone nowhere. That’s why a group of researchers at Duke University created a mask test – a technique to analyze the effectiveness of various types of masks which have become a critical component in stopping the spread of the virus.

Altogether, researchers tested 14 commonly available masks or masks alternatives, one patch of mask material, and a professionally fit-tested N95 mask:

mask effectiveness


This mask test answers the big question:

Which masks are effective in protecting us from COVID-19 spread?

Here is the answer we have all been waiting for:

  • The most effective mask was the fitted N95.
  • Three-layer surgical masks and cotton masks also performed well.
  • Neck fleeces, also called gaiter masks and often used by runners, were the least effective. 
  • Folded bandanas and knitted masks also performed poorly and did not offer much protection.

best mask for covid-19 protection


When shopping masks and face coverings to protect yourself, your loved ones, your business from the COVID-19 spread during this pandemic, insist on only buying those that have been proven to work!

Shop at GreenPPE ( for the latest medical masks and other PPE supplies at the best price.


Read the full reporthere.

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